Barcode Essentials Terms of Sale
Payments, Taxes & Refund Policy
The vendor is Barcode Essentials Pty Limited A.C.N. 629 267 581 ("Barcode Essentials") of 158/208 Pacific Highway, Hornsby NSW 2077, Australia, an Australian business in the state of New South Wales.
You agree that you will pay for all products you purchase including any taxes, as applicable.
You are responsible for the payment of all fees and for providing Barcode Essentials with a valid payment method for payment for all fees. You agree that the product remains the sole property of Barcode Essentials until your purchase is completed by payment in full of all fees. Your purchase fee will include the price of the product plus any applicable sales tax; such sales tax will be based on the bill-to address and the sales tax rate in effect at the time your order is processed. You will only be charged tax in states, regions and territories where tax for digital goods applies in accordance with international tax treaties.
Volume discounts are only available where multiple licenses of the same type are purchased in one transaction. Crossgrade discounts are only available for Barcode Essentials 7.6 where eligible licenses are not expired, have not been crossgraded previously, and are for Barcode Essentials 7.1-7.5 or Symantec Barcode Solution. Academic discounts are only available to customers with current SymEd agreements.
All sales of products are final.
Please complete all product evaluations in trial mode prior to purchase.
If the product becomes unavailable following completion of your purchase but prior to your use of your redemption code, your sole remedy is a refund. Refund requests must be submitted within 14 days of purchase. Refunds will not be offered if the product is still available or for redemption codes that have already been activated or where refund requests are submitted more than 14 days after purchase.
Where the product is found to be defective, your exclusive and sole remedy is to obtain a replacement or refund at the discretion of Barcode Essentials in accordance with the Australian Trade Practices Act of 1974.
The laws of the State of New South Wales, Australia govern these Terms of Sale and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of courts exercising jurisdiction there.